Monday, January 15, 2007

Sunday, 14th Jan 2007

I cooked claypot chicken rice for my kids today.

It turned out pretty well - with soft and chewy rice, thick rich chickeny gravy and still tender juicy drumsticks.

I marinated the chicken drumsticks the day before in light soy. white pepper, Chinese cooking wine, ginger, sesame oil, cornstarch and sugar. The next day, I fried it lightly with garlic, added shredded Chinese dried mushrooms and water and cooked it gently till it was 80% done.

I washed 1.5 cups of rice and drained it, and fried the uncooked rice in garlic / shallots till dry and crispy. Then transferred the rice into the claypot and added water. When rice was almost cooked, I tipped all the chicken on top of the claypot.

I added the rest of the gravy and shallot oil and crispy fried shallots on top just before serving.

I thought it was good, it even had a slightly burnt layer of crispy rice at the bottom which was scraped off the bottom of the claypot with a wooden spoon.

You can hardly see the rice with all that steam, and boy was it hot, as it temperature - we had to wait a while before the heat subsided.
Traditionally you can add Chinese sausages and prawns. But mine was just a simple version for my kiddies.

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