Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sun, 7th Jan 2007

Chinese 'Beauty Slimming' porridge.
Mum read in a HK tabloid that some actresses/models eat this 3 times a day if they want to lose weight before an all important photo shoot or casting. It is supposed to bring the weight down rapidly and at the same time, produces a pinkish healthy undertone to the skin and the face does not develop the 'pale, haggard, hungry, diet maniac' look. Well, if its good enough for them, its good enough for me!

The recipe Mum told me about contains rice, carrots and wolfberries ONLY but for extra taste, I added dried scallops, dried oysters, red dates and a piece of ginger in my version of the porridge.

So just wash half a small cup of rice and all other ingredients and put everything into a crockpot for 8 to 9 hours.
Drink it like a soup with a dash of pepper and salt.

I had this all Sunday and Monday - I feel slightly lighter today and I feel very energised - but this may be due to 2 days of yoga at Nora's ) so I am not sure if it's the porridge or a concentrated effort to cut down on food or a combination of everything!
What does it taste like? Well, all the ingredients, well except for rice, is naturally sweet so yes, overall, the soup/porridge was sweetish and quite pleasant.... I could eat this again!

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