Monday, January 01, 2007

Monday, 1st Jan 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you who are reading this - welcome to/back to my blog and if you've been reading since April, thank you :P If there are silent readers of this blog, I would love to hear from all of you and visit yours too, if you have one.

First post for 2007.

I made gravlax today. R gave us a whole fresh airflown salmon for our New Year's Eve BBQ - we used every part of it. (I will post NY food pics soon). The head went into the BBQ, the belly was sliced into beautiful quivering sashimi slices, the body into cutlets and the tail into a beautiful fillet. It is this fillet which I used to make the gravlax.

The ingredients.

L to R

- coriander mixed with sugar, salt & black pepper
- sugar, salt & black pepper
- dill
- fillet of salmon
I made 2 types - one with chopped coriander, and the other using the traditional method of fresh dill.
For coriander gravlax, just chop the leaves and some stalks into small pieces, add sugar, salt & black pepper. Press firmly into flesh, wrap tightly in clean film, and put into the fridge. Some recipes say you can leave it for up to a week, but I think I will have a check in 3 days' time to have a quick peek.

The coriander mixture.

Just about ready to be wrapped up.

For dill gravlax, leave dill whole and follow above method.

Here are the pics and I will post the result in a few days time.
This version is adapted from various recipes from food sites on the internet.


Katie-Ella said...

Hi Eleanor, I'm a "silent reader" of your blog. Your food pictures and recipes are really impressive. One of my new year resolutions is to cook more, so hopefully I will be inspired by your blog! Happy New Year to you and your family.

Eleanor said...

Hello Katie Ella

Welcome and what a nice blog you have. Thanks for linking me. One of my new year resolutions is to eat less but I don't think that will stop me from cooking. Happy New Year to you and Mr K-E! :)