Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thurs, 1st March 2007

I was really hungry by 10 pm so I went for the menu (yes, I know it's bad to eat after 9 pm and all that, yes I do know) so I had the grilled tenderloin. I couldn't decide between mash and fries so I asked for both but they gave me all fries. While I was waiting, I dove into the shower and got into my comfies.

Wow, it was a quite a big thick piece of meat which I had asked to be medium done.

But it came mooing-blue-rare! I touched the inside and at least it was hot, and I didn't want to wait another 25 minutes so I decided to eat it.

It was pretty good - all beefy and tender meaty, I added some mushroom sauce but the meat didn't really needed it. The mixed stir fried vegetables were lovely, there were carrots, asparagus, chye sim and pea shoots in a lovely garlicky stock. I ate them all and promptly ordered another portion which came in 15 mins flat.
Full of food, and slightly spinny after 4 hours of starring at my laptop screen, alternated with browsing magazines and watching TV, I went to bed at 2 am - very happy, full & satisfied. (But I didn't forget to hang out my breakfast order for tomorrow and that's the next post)...
Room Service made a record 6 visits to my room tonight:
Call 1 - Wine opener, please
Call 2 - Soup & extra ice, please
Call 3 - Steak & chips, please
Call 4 - Mayonnaise please (I must have mayo with chips)
Call 5 - Extra vegetables, please
Call 6 - I've finished now, can you clear my tray please (Room Service breathes sigh of relief....)

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