Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sat, 31st Mar 2007

And now for the escargots. M and I had a moment when I opened the tin and we were faced with these fierce old boys..........

Wow, they were massive, but were all perfectly formed and intact, and very intimidating in their colour and shape. I must admit that I have never seen escargots in their naked glory before and was slightly taken aback by their appearance - haha. And here I apologise for frightening some of you but hey, they put me off too.... But press on we did.

I had earlier made the garlic butter which has butter (of course), garlic, parsley, shallots, salt & black pepper and white wine.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and keep butter mixture covered in the fridge till required.

Stuff a little butter into each shell, add an escargot and seal with more garlic butter. Here's M helping me.

Bake for 15 minutes approx till butter is bubbly. The delicious garlic butter pooled in the little hollows in the escargot plate and were soaked and mopped up with the wholemeal bread.
Do not be put off by their appearance - they were tender with a bit of bite in them, juicy, and bursting with flavour and taste. I am really really happy with my first attempt at escargots but will wait for another special occasion before I make it again.

We did not use all the snails from the tin, so tonight I will make the rest for Dom, his Dad and KF.

p.s On reflection I now realise that I had set the tongs on the 'wrong' side - I think they belong on the left and not right side where I had placed them - tee hee!


Anonymous said...

Dinner was amazing in every sense - from the settings to the food to the company. It was a most excellent birthday gift that made my toes curl with every bite and that money can;t buy. You've totlly spoilt me! I'll never eat out again! Thanks heaps!

PS/ Could you please email me the pictures from last night when you have the time? :-)

D said...

Looked like everything turned out smashingly good!

Eleanor said...

Hello M - so glad you enjoyed the food. My birthday is in Sept by the way *hint*hint*hint* hehe. Too many pics to email, come by anytime with a pen drive k. Luv EYM

Eleanor said...

Hello DBS, yes thank you, I am so glad how well dinner turned out and now on to a week of detox and semi-vegetarian eating! Best rgds.E.