2 from Spain - Carlotta & Gabriella
2 from London - Codee & Ashlee
and my 2 from Brunei - Mark & Hazel
As the cousins live so far away from Brunei, its was great to see them all together. Mark was the only boy but he and Codee who had always got along with each other like a house on fire since they were 4 soon warmed up to each other after the initial akwardness . We had lunch at the Bunker's Cafe at the Empire Hotel and the kids bowled for 2 hours at the Country Club. Ashlee, the youngest is an absolute doll and tiny for her age but she has such a sweet disposition and nature, even her sulks are charming.
Here they are - the C cousins.
L to R - Mark, Ash, Haz, Codee, Gab & Carlotta
Age 12, 5, 8, 12.5, 11, 13

The 3 younger girls, Gabs, Hazel & Ashlee.

The young ladies, Codee & Carlotta.

Mark & Codee

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