Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday, 22nd May 2006

First day at work at the other place. Its quite nerve racking being the new girl/old girl - its been a long time since I was a newbie ..... I had lunch at PM with Wm and her colleagues but no pics as I was a bit anxious watching the clock with an hour's break for lunch. At my other workplace, lunch breaks are more, no, very flexible.. haha

This bowl of fried rice does not look very exciting but believe me, you have to try it at least once. Its an old family favourite - Ginger fried rice.

Fry garlic, shallots in very little oil, add ginger sauce (made with pulverised ginger, chopped spring onion lightly fried in oil with salt), add spring onions, add chopped long beans and cooked rice. Add sweet soysauce and salt. Keep stirring in between each addition. Push rice aside and add egg into wok, let it set slightly and stir into rice. Serve piping hot.

Here it is... another great comfort food.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm ginger fried rice...made some for dinner last night and it was sooo good. Having leftovers now for lunch, and it's still soooo good.

Also having leftover herbal chicken soup (with the wolfberries and longan, etc etc), made some on Wednesday after finding the herbs pre-packaged and ready to go in the Chinese grocery down the road. Mmmm chicken soup.

Eleanor said...

You are getting very domesticated,

Hope h likes our Cantonese herbal soups.. hehe