Saturday, May 13, 2006

Friday, 12th May 2006

Took M & H to a dental roadshow held at a mall in the suburbs. It was fun, the children sat on fold-up dental chairs, and were given the disposable dental tools which were used on them. After the check-up, they were given a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste each and some reading material and stickers.

There was a 'guess the number of teeth' contest where you had to guess the number of teeth in a huge bowl. Those teeth, in varying shades, were extracted from adults and children at government dental clinics all over Brunei. It was absolutely gruesome..... H guessed 2,000.

Here's H being having her teeth checked and being taught the proper way to brush.

I used to be quite nervous about dental visits when I was young so its good to see H so relaxed and confident, and opening her mouth so trustingly for the dental nurse.

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