Friday, May 26, 2006

Tuesday, 23rd May 2006

I've had quite a busy week, running between two jobs and it was busy too at the other workplace. I've had quite a lot to do plus cramming in a lot of information as the other person leaves next week for almost 3 months. Ah well, I hope there will be no major hiccups. The other place is a big office and for the first time since I left the hotel which I used to work in, I now have many colleagues.

I've had less time to think about food, look at food or surf my favourite food sites, such as Delia Smith, Cooking for Engineers, etc as well as read food blogs and spin up recipes. And I don't have time to snack at work, haha.

Here is my dinner on Tuesday. Poached choy sum, topped with oyster sauce and lots of fried garlic. It was so delicious, that's more than half a kg of veg there but I ate everything.


Anonymous said...

YUM! That looks great!

Eleanor said...

thanks! it was!