Saturday, June 10, 2006

Friday, 9th June 2006

An entire year without these. My last cigarette was at 10.15 am on 9th June 2005.

Not a single sneaky puff since then, but inhaled lots of second hand smoke courtesy of my friends. How do I feel? My lungs, breath, hair, skin all feel good BUT my poor body, I've piled on 10 whole kgs......

CONGRATULATE ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(not on the weight gain, on the quitting, I mean)

By the way, these are NOT my cigarettes - I'm just the custodian of cigarettes for a certain someone.... hehe


Anonymous said...

Good on you for quitting. I wish I could get Jac to quit. :(

Eleanor said...

thanks! it was difficult but not as difficult as shifting this ridiculous weight on me now.....

Anonymous said...

Wow a whole year...I remember the days when you'd sit at Serasa with a beer and magazine, puffing away while us kids played on the beach/in the pool. Yuck yuck.

Good job for quitting, you save...less money than you'd save over here ($10 a pack!) but hey, you still save =D

Hayd says good work, if you've made it a year you'll make it for life.

Eleanor said...

good responsible aunt here.... hehe