Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thursday, 13th April 2006

Some people may balk at this but its a family favourite. Salted pork porridge with century eggs, dried oysters & scallops. I had a craving for this and made it for myself. I cut a small joint of pork shoulder into largish cubes and salted it the night before. It was then covered with clingwrap and placed into the fridge. The next day, the pork will turn a light translucent pink and be sitting in a small pool of salt water. Rinse pork well and give it a quick lick. ( I think I heard a chorus of eeeeyucks, but then again, no one's reading this so its ok). If it's too salty, soak in water for a minute or two. Wash a small bowl of rice, put into some water in a pot, throw in a small piece of ginger, the dried scallops & oysters, the well rinsed pork pieces and boil everything to a death. (approx 2 hours) Add cut century eggs just before serving. The end result is this. Serve with sliced ginger and chopped spring onions and char koi and heaps of white pepper. Great comfort food....

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